Wednesday, 23 November 2011

'No enemy but winter and rough weather'*

*  "As You Like It":  William Shakespeare

Please visit our website at to see more of our work. Most of our images are available for sale as prints/fine art prints, mostly as limited editions. 

The weather in the Diois is getting colder but the sun shines most of the time and the charms of winter are at least as apparent as the drawbacks.  Thinking of winter, we dug back through our archive to our visit to the Pyrenees a while ago.  The highlight of the few days we spent near Massat was a morning in the Bethmale Valley.  We drove as far as we could through deep snow towards the pass and then walked.
We were struck by an almost palpable silence, the stark simplicity and simple beauty of the valley and its forests of birch trees.  The trees against the snow could be inspiration for a Japanese-style pen and ink drawing.  Soon after our visit we made a print with that in mind:

 So much to do and so little time  -  we neglected the rest of the RAW files from that visit.  But we have a large print in the kitchen and have, at last, dug out the RAW files and have produced a simple set of Fine Art Prints.

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