Wednesday, 22 March 2017

A Change of Scene

We are also represented by Saatchi Art:

All the pictures on our blogs are available as prints, usually in Limited Editions.

A  long time ago we had a lavishly equipped studio in Edinburgh where we spent
most of our time - day and night - photographing whisky bottles, beer and
booze generally, for advertising and point-of-sale.  The work was difficult, 
demanding and, unfortunately, by the time we had taught ourselves the
essentials, it became tedious.  That was a pity as it was lucrative.  Life seemed
too short to worry, day in and day out, about the light coming through
a whisky bottle or the size and composition of the head on a glass
of beer.

One day a client asked us to supply a set of photographs for a 'Rum' calendar which
was intended for display in pubs along the east coast of Scotland and the north of 
England.  The obvious subject would be girls.  We were delighted to have a change
of scene and the calendar was successful.  As we were also building up a large stock
photography archive, we saw the chance to hire models from time to time to generate
stock pictures for our agencies.

Naturally, many of the pictures of our models were taken in our well-equipped studio.
But we always preferred working outdoors and we took the opportunity to take models
to some of our favourite Scottish locations.  We took models to Argyll and Fife and the
picture above of Carol was taken on Sandwood Bay, one of the finest beaches we have
ever seen, right up in the north west corner of Scotland.  In those days it was two or three
miles' walk from the nearest road.  Now we hear that, alas, you can drive there.  That day, we had the beach to ourselves, miles of it.

A change of scene beckons again and we saw the opportunity to use some of those original shots as an artist uses his sketch book, or nowadays his photographs, as a basis for
a new work.  That's what we have been doing and we are enjoying the work and
pleased with the results.   

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