Friday, 24 February 2017

Taj Mahal

We are also represented by Saatchi Art:

It was quite a while ago when one of us was last in India.  At the
Taj Mahal some of the most interesting views are from across the
River Yamuna at dawn.  To get there on time one needs to take a
boat at about 4 am and wait a while.  I was entertained while I was
waiting by the inevitable arrival of interested locals who seem to be up
at all hours and everywhere at once.  To add to the entertainment
someone found a cobra and, being India, the crowd decided to catch
it and put it somewhere where it would do no harm.  I will always remember
this peculiarly Indian incident.

Here is a re-working of one of those original shots taken in those days on
a Linhof 6cm x 12cm.


Thursday, 16 February 2017

Another Black & White Fine Art Print

We are also represented by Saatchi Art:

In colour, this was one of our most successful images. 
We have recently been making some Black & White prints with our new
Canon Pro-2000 printer which is reputed to be the best black & white
printer on the market and it has certainly greatly impressed us. 
 We are now offering some new subjects, like this one,  as
Fine Art Black & White prints. 

TGV and Sunflowers

Friday, 10 February 2017

Industry as Art

We are also represented by Saatchi Art:


We spent 25 years of our lives working as industrial photographers.  It
was hard work but immensely rewarding.  To us industry has just as much
visual appeal as the other subjects more normally chosen for works of art.
 Some of the most breathtaking views either of us has ever seen have been
industrial subjects and some of the most interesting details and close-ups
are also industrial.

We have a large collection of industrial work shot all over the world and we are
re-working some of those images as Fine Art prints.  We have looked at the
market and find that there is very little of this subject available, either for
business who want to decorate their offices or engineers, or just plain laymen
like ourselves who enjoy contemplating man-made marvels.  Why should
architects have all the fun?

We are now both represented on SaatchiArt (links above), the latest site will
feature principally our unique Papua New Guinea images along with industry and
some interesting portraits.  At least to start with.

Here are three files now offered as black & white prints and soon to be loaded
onto the new Saatchi Art account.  At the moment, it is mostly Papua New Guinea but please keep an eye on the site and we will continue to load
new images.

Oil production platform. North Sea.

Engineer setting up turbine rotor.

Electricians working in winter on overhead power lines for railway near Datong. China.